Saturday, April 4, 2020

A storage space. James bikes down the narrow aisles of the space. Looking for the right unit. He finds it, unlocks the door and raises the door. The door closes on his helmet. He pushes the door higher. He closes on his helmet again. He pushes the door up and rushes in as the door closes behind him. Darkness. He looks for his cellphone and turns on the tiny flashlight. He searches through boxes. Looking for something he’s never seen before. He holds the flashlight with one hand and searches with the other. 

JAMES: I wonder if this…/Found it! No. Wait! No. Maybe…?

He opens another box. A glorious light shines out of this box. The sound of angels. He has found it. It’s just what he imagined. 

JAMES: There you are. Beauty.

He ties the beauty up in an old piece of twine and hooks it to his belt. He opens the door, throws his bike out and locks the door. The theme to Mission Impossible or maybe James Bond...nope. Shaft...either way it his head.

James IjamesComment